Sunday, August 12, 2007


If you're a homebody then you will just have to trust me with the following information.
This summer I ran a marathon of vacations. This trip to Virginia was the last one of the season. Thank God.
Coming back from a vacation, even a short one, is hard.
A few days away from home will exhaust you, even though it seems like all you did was eat and ride in the car. But getting home is the main thing on everyone's mind on the last day, and as the signs on the highway read smaller and smaller miles to Hometown, it gets excruciating.
"All I want to do is get home and watch the golf tournament."
"I can't wait to see the birds again."
Then you open the front door and realize the harsh reality of it all. The A/C hasn't been on in a week. Your plants are dead. Luggage needs to be unpacked (although that usually gets avoided for at least overnight...or when you need your toothbrush). Mail is stacked up with a whole new list of "To-Do"s. Emails are ungodly. And, the big one...There is no food in the house. At all.
Today we've scraped by with snacking on pathetic leftovers and some tidbits we brought from Virginia. (By the way, Mennonite cheese seems to be very different from Amish cheese.)
Household Male has alerted me that we "need to go to the store and get some stuff to drink" but this seems an impossible task.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

i HATE unpacking after a holiday...isn't it awful and yes it usually takes me about a week if not more to completely unpack and put the suitcase away! after i had my first baby, the bag i brought back from the hospital remained in my bedroom for about 6 months! lol...not that labour was a "holiday" :)